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Deactivating links (editable/readonly) to limit access to team members is possible in Canvanizer 2.0 workspaces!


Canvas Embed Widget

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Permission - How you want your audience to interact with the canvas.

Copy and paste this on your website - in source mode


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Share this canvas to as many team as you want to brainstorm better concept together.

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How to edit your canvas

  • To add a note please click 'Insert' in any canvas segment or double click in any segment.
  • Color: Use the color picker to show note connections.
  • For earlier versions of your canvas: click Canvas History (right side).
  • Share: To share the canvas with your team click Share Canvas (right side).
  • Export: See Import/Export in the footer (PDF & image export available in the 2.0
  • Check your email inbox for a mail called "Canvas links" for all further access info!
  • Security: Restriction of access to this canvas to invited members only is possible with Canvanizer 2.0
  • There is also a FAQ: Canvanizer FAQ
  • Enjoy canvanizing :-)
Problem ?    Insert

  1. Top 3 Problems you face
Home Edit  [x]

Howdy, I should say it was a really awesome adventure for me when I looked around your website. I hope you don't mind if I commend you on the quality of the work and to send you bon chance with it as you advance in the future. It was a hoot to view your site and I will definitely be stopping by again soon to find how you are doing. All the best and I will doubtless see you here soon - Prince Home

Solution ?    Insert

  1. Top 3 Solutions to your Problems
Key Activites Edit  [x]

Meeting and activating new JumpSchool entrepreneurs.

Developing curriculum

Unique Value Proposition ?    Insert

  1. Single, clear, compelling message that states why you are different and worth buying
On Demand Edit  [x]

In a highly segmented market, our technology allows service on demand, with out the hassle of waiting for return phone calls, emails or booking appointments. The service a customer needs, can be taken care of on their schedule. Our early adopters will be working families that increasingly rely on technology to solve problems.

For the contractor they can fill in blanks in their schedule, acquire new customers, and create billable hours when there is no work, or jobs are cancelled.
The focus should be on the young or tech savy contractors and trades people. Those that want a competitive advantage over competitors and are looking to grow their business. Additionally the early adopters should include retirees who are looking to pick up a few jobs.

Unfair Advantage ?    Insert

  1. Can't be easily copied or bought
App is scale-able Edit  [x]
Customer Segments ?    Insert

  1. Target customers
Not yet successfull (or failed) Startup Founders that heard about the Lean Startup process. Edit  [x]

- English Speakers
- Relatively Good Internet connection

Driven for success Edit  [x]

Character of perseverance.
Continuous development and learning.

Retired / Semiretired Trades people Edit  [x]
Key Metrics ?    Insert

  1. Activity that drives retention/revenue
Average transaction cost and differences between services Edit  [x]
% of downloads put into use (user engagement) how often is it used, what creates user engagement. Edit  [x]
Minimum Viable Product Edit  [x]

Develop, test, pivot MVP

Channels ?    Insert

  1. Path to customers
Free App Edit  [x]

Free App can be downloaded from App store or web site

Cost Structure ?    Insert

  1. Customer acquisition costs, distribution costs, hosting...
Development Team Edit  [x]

Cost to build and maintain the technology

Sales Team Edit  [x]

Will need a sales team to network with contractors and sign them up

Administrative Team Edit  [x]

Will need an admin team to perform background checks on contractors and approve them with in the app ecosystem.

Misc costs Edit  [x]

Management / Accounting / travel / insurance / office space / technology etc. etc. etc.

Revenue Stream ?    Insert

  1. Revenue model, Life time value revenue...
Revenue sharing Edit  [x]

The company will keep 20% of the first $100 in revenue, and 8% of costs above $100.

A Credit Card is processed, and deposit is split between contractor and

Brainstorming Space ?    Insert Brainstorm Mode

  1. What are your temporary brainstorming notes?
JumpSchool Edit  [x]

Insert New Note



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