Creative wall


  1. Top 3 Problems you face
What problem do you want to solve?

  1. Top 3 Solutions to your Problems
Problem solutions

Define your solution to the problem

Unique Value Proposition

  1. Single, clear, compelling message that states why you are different and worth buying
Single, clear, compelling message that states why you are different and worth buying
Unfair Advantage

  1. Can't be easily copied or bought
Competitive advantage

This is basically the competitive advantage. A startup should recognize whether or not it has an unfair advantage over others

Customer Segments

  1. Target customers
Who will be your customer?

Product can be successful if the users want to use it. The more we know about the user, the more likely it is that we can create successful product or design solution. Specify here your target group

Key Metrics

  1. Activity that drives retention/revenue
Action plan

What should be done?
Who will do it?
Who will help?


  1. Path to customers
Life is all about selling

Without customers even the greatest business will fail
How can you promote and sell your product?

Cost Structure

  1. Customer acquisition costs, distribution costs, hosting...
Financial literacy is a must

What are the costs?
What will be the price of our product?

Revenue Stream

  1. Revenue model, Life time value revenue...
Break-even point

How much should we sell to earn money

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