

  1. Top 3 Problems you face
People want to understand body language while they witness it

  1. Top 3 Solutions to your Problems
Users will pay and use an app that will give them actionable insights about to body language
Unique Value Proposition

  1. Single, clear, compelling message that states why you are different and worth buying
Your personal body language expert
Unfair Advantage

  1. Can't be easily copied or bought
Unique and scientifically reliable database and easy to use interface
Customer Segments

  1. Target customers
Sales professionals that has prior knowledge and interest in body language
Key Metrics

  1. Activity that drives retention/revenue
Weekly usage

  1. Path to customers
Sales coaches and KOLs, Sales groups on LinkedIn, LinkedIn ads
Cost Structure

  1. Customer acquisition costs, distribution costs, hosting...
Manage, Design, Development, Marketing
Revenue Stream

  1. Revenue model, Life time value revenue...
Pay per User

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