Canvas link types

Upon creation of a new canvas, you will receive two different URLs or links to that canvas. Why are there two links?

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Canvas admin link is the unique administration URL you need to keep or share with co-working partners. Using this URL to access the canvas means you have the control to edit everything, e.g.: add new notes, move notes, remove notes…or even change owner email and share the canvas with somebody else.

Canvas public link is another unique URL you can share with people you want them to read the content only. Your visitors to your canvas via this kind of URL cannot make any change or remove anything from the canvas.

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Tips: Although public link and admin link are different in URL and the way they are used. They are both synchronized with the latest update to the canvas. This means every update you and your business partners make to the canvas, it show instantly the result on the Public canvas for your audience too.

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