created by [email protected]
- Get the form from FO Dept - Then send this form to FC Dept to calculate cost - Next, send information to Purchasing team to find suplier for printing - When it delivery, we will ask HSK help to stick the form for each AC thermostat in the room
- FC Dept work with contractor for reasonable price, reach an agreement on conditions and terms in the contract - When the contract valid, Eng'g team will coordinate with contractor to do work before Tet holiday
Key Partners to reach your goal / value this is more Key activeties
Achieving guest satisfaction (above 95%) about water supply system
Achieving guest satisfaction about AC system when they stay in BWP hotel
Trust You score of 91/100
1. Families 2. Couples
0 customers from N
1. Complaints through FO 2. Complaints Through Facebook
1. Payroll Cost 2. Energy Costs
1. Discount due to not Hot Water 2. Discounts due to AC not working