created by [email protected]

Key Partners

  • 1.1. Submit AC instruction form to GM/OM for approval
  • 3. Submit chiller repairing service to GM/OM for approval
  • GM Feedback

1.1. Submit AC instruction form to GM/OM for approval

- Get the form from FO Dept - Then send this form to FC Dept to calculate cost - Next, send information to Purchasing team to find suplier for printing - When it delivery, we will ask HSK help to stick the form for each AC thermostat in the room

3. Submit chiller repairing service to GM/OM for approval

- FC Dept work with contractor for reasonable price, reach an agreement on conditions and terms in the contract - When the contract valid, Eng'g team will coordinate with contractor to do work before Tet holiday

GM Feedback

Key Partners to reach your goal / value this is more Key activeties

Key Activities

  • 1. Sticking AC instruction on each AC thermostat in the room
  • 2. Checking and maintaining AC ensure AC work well during high Occ
  • 3. Checking and cleaning FCU filter

1. Sticking AC instruction on each AC thermostat in the room

2. Checking and maintaining AC ensure AC work well during high Occ

3. Checking and cleaning FCU filter

Value Proposition

  • 1. All guests know how to use AC in room
  • 2. Hot&Cold water system
  • 3. AC system in the room

1. All guests know how to use AC in room

2. Hot&Cold water system

Achieving guest satisfaction (above 95%) about water supply system

3. AC system in the room

Achieving guest satisfaction about AC system when they stay in BWP hotel

Customer Relationships

  • GM Feedback

GM Feedback

Trust You score of 91/100

Customer Segments

  • GM Feedback

GM Feedback

1. Families 2. Couples

0 customers from N

Key Resources

  • 1. Ensure 100% rooms have AC instruction
  • 2.Regularly checking all system and filling the checklist form
  • 3. Focus on AC maintenace work and complete before Tet holiday

1. Ensure 100% rooms have AC instruction

2.Regularly checking all system and filling the checklist form

3. Focus on AC maintenace work and complete before Tet holiday


  • GM Feedback

GM Feedback

1. Complaints through FO 2. Complaints Through Facebook

Cost Structure

  • Gm Feedback

Gm Feedback

1. Payroll Cost 2. Energy Costs

Revenue Streams

  • GM Feedback

GM Feedback

1. Discount due to not Hot Water 2. Discounts due to AC not working

Brainstorming Space