Team Minutemen

created by [email protected]

Key Partners

  • emotional support
  • backend partner

emotional support

backend partner

Key Activities

  • teach tech

teach tech

Value Proposition

  • less anxiety
  • loyal customers

less anxiety

- with tech - w society as whole

loyal customers

Customer Relationships

  • at home
  • in person
  • volunteer

at home

in person


Customer Segments

  • mom & dad
  • family foundation
  • support teams
  • older people

mom & dad

family foundation

support teams

older people

Key Resources

  • backend team

backend team


  • email support
  • online
  • Twitter

email support



Cost Structure

  • domain


Revenue Streams

  • setting up tech
  • website design
  • tech coaching
  • better public interactions
  • cutting cord
  • !QA test

setting up tech

website design

tech coaching

better public interactions

cutting cord

!QA test

Brainstorming Space

  • renaissance - discovering the unknown
  • "support-driven product development"  (ie. customer-driven)
  • "toolbox design"   - who are our partners?  what do we expect and how can we count on them?
  • who are our ideal clients?  (ones that bring us peace, help us sustain our partnership?)

renaissance - discovering the unknown

"support-driven product development"  (ie. customer-driven)

"toolbox design"   - who are our partners?  what do we expect and how can we count on them?

who are our ideal clients?  (ones that bring us peace, help us sustain our partnership?)