created by [email protected]
Who's got an extra $90,000 to purchase equipment or $1500/month for a loan
Create side hustles incomes have not increased enough to cover the cost of living since 1975. In fact, the real median household income in the United States has decreased by about 2% since 1975, after adjusting for inflation.
Taught by other experienced members. Andragogy- adults learn from adults.
$900/year vs $36000 for space, Utilities and Access to tools, or the shared use of the means of production.
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Doing something different that is not already being done- at least around here,
Every 2 to 5 miles
Prototyper's, inventors
1 in 2 Millennial's
70 million baby boomers with disposable income and EMPATHY for younger generations.
Time, money, experience, skills or talent to help our neighbors get started.
Rent Utilities Insurance expenses
Owner won't approve without 3 years tax returns to show the owner they can pay the rent.
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Local and ecommerce 3d printed products and services laser cut products and services cnc router products and services. cnc milling Machine products and services Roland Print shop products and services.
$75/month x40=$3000