Adam's e-parking Lean Canvas business model


  1. Top 3 Problems you face
Not enough parking
Time/cost of parking elsewhere
Time/cost of walking and/or alternate transportation
Time/cost of determining who gets parking
Time/cost of complaints
Parking structures require space and $$$

  1. Top 3 Solutions to your Problems
Leverage empty driveway spaces near campus for people to park
Homeowners identify price; students/faculty choose space/cost
Website/app where homeowners post space availability
Unique Value Proposition

  1. Single, clear, compelling message that states why you are different and worth buying
Access to guaranteed space near campus for reasonable price
Easy-to-use system connects buyers and sellers via web/app
Buyers get access to guaranteed space all year
Create crowd-based market for parking spaces
No infrastructure cost to city or University
Homeowners get money for almost no work
Unfair Advantage

  1. Can't be easily copied or bought
App can be copied
Virtuous cycle of buyers and sellers (eBay)
First to market (only lasts a little while)
Customer Segments

  1. Target customers
Students living off campus: price sensitive, daily parking with unusual/long hours, generally able to walk reasonable distances
Faculty and staff: somewhat price sensitive, daily parking mostly during normal hours, mostly able to walk reasonable distances
Visitors who need to park for a few hours: not price sensitive, limited walking, mostly normal hours
Professionals working downtown without dedicated parking
Key Metrics

  1. Activity that drives retention/revenue
Cost of maintaining the system and updating information
Average cost for parking near campus
Percent/number of faculty without on-campus parking
Rights acquisition cost per driveway

  1. Path to customers
Website / app for actual transactions / information
Link from college parking page
Fliers on campus, in buildings with little/no parking
"Refer a friend" get 5% of their payments
SEO - "campus" "name of College" "parking" etc.
Cost Structure

  1. Customer acquisition costs, distribution costs, hosting...
Initial effort to identify 50 parking spaces: walking the neighbordhoods
Develop web / mobile app
SEO and advertising
Customer support and complaint handling
-5% for referrals
Revenue Stream

  1. Revenue model, Life time value revenue...
25% of fees paid?
Ads on website/app?
Affiliate marketing opportunities?

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