Internen Blog erstellen | Preview in Canvanizer 2.0

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How to edit your canvas

  • To add a note please click 'Insert' in any canvas segment or double click in any segment.
  • Color: Use the color picker to show note connections.
  • For earlier versions of your canvas: click Canvas History (right side).
  • Share: To share the canvas with your team click Share Canvas (right side).
  • Export: See Import/Export in the footer (PDF & image export available in the 2.0
  • Check your email inbox for a mail called "Canvas links" for all further access info!
  • Security: Restriction of access to this canvas to invited members only is possible with Canvanizer 2.0
  • There is also a FAQ: Canvanizer FAQ
  • Enjoy canvanizing :-)
Participants ?    Insert

  1. What are your project members, stakeholders and third parties who play a role on the project?
Gaudenz Lügstenmann Edit  [x]
Peter Krämers Edit  [x]

Support Informatik

Goals ?    Insert

  1. What are primary objectives and intent of the project including success metrics?
fachliches Enrichement ermöglichen Edit  [x]

Rezeption von Wissen/Studien

fachliche Ressourcen erschliessen Edit  [x]

Zugänge strukturiert ermöglichen

Austausch zu fachlichen Anregungen ermöglichen Edit  [x]

Kommentar und Bewertungsfunktion, Zähler

Users ?    Insert

  1. What are users (target groups or segments) of the product or service?
MA PWD Edit  [x]
Activities ?    Insert

  1. What are concrete tasks and actions the team will take to reach the project goals?
Mögliche konkrete Inhalte identifizieren Edit  [x]

eigenen Blog durchschauen

Schlagworte identifizieren Edit  [x]
Beispiele von ähnlichen Blogs studieren Edit  [x]

ETH Lernzentrum

Deliverables ?    Insert

  1. What are the outcomes and documents that will be shown to stakeholders or to customers?
Blog Edit  [x]

intern zugänglich

User Benefits ?    Insert

  1. What are the overall value and concrete benefits users will have after the project is successfully completed?
Hinweise auf unterrichtsspezifische Themen erhalten Edit  [x]
Gelegenheit haben zu kommentieren Edit  [x]
Risks ?    Insert

  1. What are possible future events that have a potentially negative impact on the project?
Milestones ?    Insert

  1. What are the key dates and events that frame the overall timeline of the project?
Constraints ?    Insert

  1. What are the limits and conditional requirements that directly affect the deliverables, activities or project as a whole?
Zugänglichkeit auf Blog für LüG Edit  [x]

oder Sekretariat...

Scope ?    Insert

  1. What are the breadth of the product or service to be included for consideration for this project (in cluding what is out of scope)?

Insert Brainstorm Mode
Wozu? Edit  [x]
Was? Edit  [x]

Allgemeine Didaktik

Mögliche Themen/Beiträge aus 2013 Edit  [x]

Slow Education
Kompetenz – Was es ist und wozu wir den Begriff brauchen
Job Design
Schule der Zukunft
Gute Apps für Kinder
Sind überfachliche Kompetenzen eine Überforderung?
Ein Jahr in der ersten Klasse
Positive Schulen
Emotionen künstlich modellieren


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