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  • To add a note please click 'Insert' in any canvas segment or double click in any segment.
  • Color: Use the color picker to show note connections.
  • For earlier versions of your canvas: click Canvas History (right side).
  • Share: To share the canvas with your team click Share Canvas (right side).
  • Export: See Import/Export in the footer (PDF & image export available in the 2.0
  • Check your email inbox for a mail called "Canvas links" for all further access info!
  • Security: Restriction of access to this canvas to invited members only is possible with Canvanizer 2.0
  • There is also a FAQ: Canvanizer FAQ
  • Enjoy canvanizing :-)



Corporate Identity ?    Insert

  1. What are the key values your company really lives by / should live by?
  2. How do you define your Corporate Identity?
  3. How would you describe your company as an employer?
  4. For what kind of behaviour do you promote or fire someone in your organisation?
  5. What do you have to change according to your ideas?
Employer Branding ?    Insert

  1. How are you perceived generally by people outside of your company?
  2. How are you perceived by your potential and effective job applicants?
  3. How would you want to be perceived as an employer?
  4. What do you have to do to transform according to your ideas?
Employee Clusters ?    Insert

  1. Into which clusters can you separate your employees? Aside from the departments, categorisation criteria could refer to expertise, personal values, working morale, needs, etc.
  2. For which of the clusters should/must you be the ideal employer?
  3. When you look at future and present challenges, what kind of employees do you need to face these successfully?
Skilled Candidates ?    Insert

  1. Which groups exist on the labour market that are particularly relevant to your company?s success?
  2. What costs for recruitment (time and money) emerge for the respective groups?
  3. Through which channels can you effectively communicate with these groups?
  4. Do your existing employees have means to recruit and screen new candidates?

Motivating Elements

Corporate Culture ?    Insert

  1. What do we need to create an ideal working environment for the employees of the selected cluster?
  2. What are best practiced tools/patterns from other companies?
  3. Which one of them can you adapt/convert?
  4. What do affected employees wish for in their clusters?
  5. What do affected employees need in their clusters (based on experiences)?
  6. Which work environment you want to offer skilled candidates?
Recruiting ?    Insert

  1. Which work environment do you want to offer skilled candidates?
  2. Are there transition possibilities to experience the work environment?
  3. How do you want to get in touch with skilled candidates?
  4. Is there a concept for the onboarding process of new employees?

Action Plan

Corporate culture ?    Insert

  1. Which motivators do you have to implement now?
  2. How much time does it take to implement the different elements? a. Divided in short/middle/long term b. Implementation plan
  3. What do you need to do to create a sense of urgency?
  4. What kind of tests and pilot projects can you do to test your plans before implementing in full scale?
Recruiting ?    Insert

  1. How do you communicate the changes externally?
  2. What are your employee?s channels of communication? (social media, blogs, etc.)
  3. How do you account for high levels of transparency and authenticity?


Corporate culture ?    Insert

  1. What effects do the actions generate?
  2. How do you measure these effects?
  3. How do you create actionable changes from these results?
  4. How does this influence other measures within your organisation, like customer satisfaction?
  5. To what extent do they comply with your desired CI?
Recruiting ?    Insert

  1. What effects do your recruiting efforts generate?
  2. How do you measure these effects?
  3. How do you create actionable changes from these results?
  4. Does this measure your desired outcomes?

?    Insert Brainstorm Mode
  1. What are your temporary Brainstorming notes??

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