Project Beyond
Key Partners
Birthright ProvidersIsrael Free Spirit Jewish AgencyOnward Israel Tour ProviderJewish Journey Tracks:Business: Our Crowd Global ReachBirthright Canada Livnot3 days....including Shabbat in Tzfat HillelsFrats |
Key Activities
Jewish LearningNiche TracksBusiness Giving CirclesUsing Giving Circle Express ShabbatLivnot in Tzfat |
Value Proposition
Amplifying Birthright ExperienceLeveraging $3,000 investment by communitiesCustomization to connect to interestsScholarships to returnConnections to longer programsIntegration into home communityLeveraging existing resources in Israel |
Customer Relationships
Customer Segments
Birthright ProvidersBirthright participantsNiche groupsBirthright leadersJewish FederationsHillels |
Key Resources
ParticipantsRevenueContributionsExisiting infrastructure in Israel |
Pre travelwhile in Israelpost-Birthrightwhen they returnwhen we get them backsocial media |
Cost Structure
Charge Participants 699 for 7 DaysPart time employeesCounselors |
Revenue Streams
$699 per personWhat/How to pay1. Online in US or Israel Donor contributionsFoundationsGrass roots fundraising |
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