
Key Partners

  1. Who are your key partners?
    2. Who are your key suppliers?
Medical professionals/Health Coaches

Could suggest/recommend our product/app to interested patients for helping them towards their health goals.

Individually Insured Individuals

Individuals who are not part of any group/employer provided insurance. Who usually do not have access to any sort of Wellness program.

We will target the more tech savvy and cost conscious individuals within this group.

Pharmacies (CVS, Wallgreens)

Provide Pharmacies with an opportunity to increase loyalty amongst existing customers & attract new ones.

Parks & Recreations

The SF Parks office regularly conducts many health & wellness programs. By partnering with the parks office we can encourage our users to participate in programs of their choice.

Gyms & Fitness Centers

Act as a marketplace for Gyms and Fitness Centers by providing access to interested consumers that will allow to choose according to their specific programs.

Key Activities

  1. What are your key activities?
Incentivize wellness (reward points/Cash back/Coupons)

Encourage users and incentive them to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Users of our product will have the opportunity to score reward points and promotions which can be parlayed into cash back or discount coupons at our partners.

Share medical info to insurance companies

Provide users with an opportunity to get gain rewards and wellness incentives by sharing their medical information with their insurance providers.

Share recommend treatments/goals
Value Proposition

  1. What are your value propositions?
Reduce Variable/Unknown Costs for Insurance Companies

With access to more patient medical information, insurance companies can better predict their effective costs for the current and future years. Allows for efficiently allocating funds and investing wisely to maximize their profits.

Consolidated medical records

Historical record of all activities, tests, forms, etc.
Eliminates fear of providing incorrect information or not having up-to-date records

Access to standardized forms

Saves time at doctor's office
Reduce repetitive form filling

Allows users to easily track and maintain one’s health

Outperforms current alternatives that cannot provide access of past records.

Access to personalized wellness activities

Our product allows users to customize their programs by picking and choosing what suits them.

Earn points, coupons, cash back

Based on wellness completion and improved health/activities.

Customer Relationships

  1. Your customer relationships?
Communities/ Blogs

Dedicated blogs that communicate to our user community on the different programs and steps that can help make healthy choices become a part of their daily lifestyle.

Dedicated Personal Assistance

Account executives with expert knowledge on customer activity will facilitate conversations with insurance companies and potentially create more data points to collect based on their interests

Consultant/Self Service

Review customer medical records and provide feedback on average data. That will allow us to provide custom recommendations to our users.

Customer Segments

  1. Customer Segments
Insurance Companies

Almost all big insurance companies part of ACA or Obamacare.

3-5 regionally active insurance providers will be primary target customers and we will scale out from there.

Privately Insured Individuals

Individuals & small businesses

Key Resources

  1. What are your key resources?
Fitness Apps

Electronically sync data via personal fitness apps

Input from medical professionals

- standardize forms
- standard wellness checks reccommended by professionals (bloodwork, BMI, etc)
- common treatments for standard checks

Legal & Tech Advice

Consult on HIPPA and technology on medical record transferring


  1. Channels
Direct Sales: Account Executives

For insurance companies that want to access/purchase our data


App stores:To get the app/service to customers

Gyms/Parks/Quick Clinics/Community & Fitness Centers: To partner and help promote our service

Health/Wellness Magazines, Websites, Blogs

To communicate our services for people who are health/wellness conscious

App/Web Based Direct Sales

Directly sell to customers through Apple Store/Google Play/Website

Direct Sales/Recruitment

Similar to class pass model, sign up organizations to validate points by participating individuals (gyms, etc.)

Cost Structure

  1. What about your cost structure?
Promotions/Discount Coupons/Rewards to Users on our Platform

We will need to secure enough capital to run our incentive programs. This cost might decrease over the long term when we gain some leverage in negotiations with partners.

Platform Development & Maintainence

Cost to develop our app platform and a secure cloud database for holding all user data.

Will Need a team of 15 software engineers to handle the below requirements
1. App Platform should be capable of seamless interaction with all major medical database record formats.

2. Develop standardized forms that can translate to individual healthcare providers forms.

3. Focus on security issues in the cloud.

4. Create an app with focus on user experience and usage.

Sales & Marketing Teams

Need Sales & Marketing teams to work with the below segments -

1) Insurance Companies

2) Key Partners - (Gyms, Fitness Centers, Pharmacies, Parks etc;)

3) Consumers - market our product and educate end users on the value of using our product.

Revenue Streams

  1. What are your revenue streams?
Subscription Service to Insurance Companies

We plan to provide an annual subscription based data mining service to our clients (insurance companies) and partners.

Focused Marketing Strategy for Firms

With the user data (NOT electronic medical records, but more promotional activities availed) available to us we can help firms create a focused marketing strategy and provide access to a user base to run their promotions on.

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