Do sports


  1. Top 3 Problems you face

1. Learning sports efficiently is hard and often requires classes or trainers

2. Individual learning is slow and requires a lot of repetition without guidance - feels useless

3. Current learning of sports is based on self-reflection which is often inaccurate and solutions given are not always right

Existing solutions

1. Track based on video or raw input from user, which is tedious
2. Tracking is for professional athletes or teams


  1. Top 3 Solutions to your Problems

Our application makes learning sports fast and easy by giving relevant advice and guides based on real world accurate data -> no need for classes or trainers, just put your sensors on and you are ready to go!

Unique Value Proposition

  1. Single, clear, compelling message that states why you are different and worth buying

The very first app that allows for simple and fast self learning of any sport. Choose a sport you wish to master, snap our sensors and our coaching app is going to show you the shortest way to the top!

Unfair Advantage

  1. Can't be easily copied or bought

1. Advanced sensors (Suunto partnership)
2. Android companion app
3. Machine learning techniques for personalized suggestions

Customer Segments

  1. Target customers
Focus segment

- young people (millennials) who are would like to learn sports, but prefer self learning
- millennials who would like to improve their performance in sports quickly without paying too much

Key Metrics

  1. Activity that drives retention/revenue

#number of users
#number of "premium" users
%premium users
churn and retention rate
user conversion to premium


  1. Path to customers
Social media

- Facebook
- twitter
- snapchat
- instagram


- Website
- paid promo in AppStore and Google Store

Cost Structure

  1. Customer acquisition costs, distribution costs, hosting...
Product + initial costs

Sensor branding
App development
Accessories production

Running costs

Product supply (sensors, accessories)
Infrastructure costs
Marketing efforts

Revenue Stream

  1. Revenue model, Life time value revenue...

Initial purchase of equipment for the app: sensors, accessories


Premium service for paying customers with in detail insight on their performance and access to the whole courses for learning different sports

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