Key Partners

  1. Who are your key partners?
    2. Who are your key suppliers?
1, No need to bargain

1.1.1, HK need to inform clearly to FO about the DND room, or any difficulty during make up room to guest. Then FOM would come up some solution/pre-talk/ at least awareness.


1.2.1, Trans Team needs to push up Reservation/Front Desk to get full information


1.3.1, HR support to apply overtime

1.3.2, F&B support 2 trainees send to Front Office at least before 8th Feb

1.3.3, GM & OM approval

1.3.4, IT help to setup 2 more computers at front desk before 8th Feb (run & test)

2, No exhuasted waiting at lobby

2.1.1, Housekeeping need to update the arrival daily and EHK need to confirm 1 day before next day arrival rooms about the status OOO/OOS.


2.2.1, Support from F&B to create a quick and simple welcome drink for waiting guests before 10th Feb (might include the vietnamese coffee, tea while guest waiting at C-view) Applying from 12th Feb to 17th Feb.

2.2.2, Engineering support to open the AC in the Cview early, make sure the AC is cooling down guest from 10AM till 3PM

2.2.3, IT check all the TV on the Cview, having some cartoon channel


2.3.1, Sales,Res team review on the promised LCO / Upgrading during TET

2.3.3, HK need to be attentive to the update information hourly

2.3.4, Res team need to collect all information related to Group check in before 1 day (included TG, phone number, arriving time, transportation assistances)

2.4.1, Eng team help to deactive the key slot in Elevator during TET

2.4.2, Eng team confirm automatic system, HK turn on AC after clean up room.

2.4.3, IT temporary delete wifi Passwords

2.4.4, F&B let FO borrow 3 patitions

3, The Kings
GM Feedback

All items here are important but are task based.

Select the top 3 key partners that supports your key activeties

Key Activities

  1. What are your key activities?
1, No need to bargain

1.1.1, Call to all guest DND rooms (or rooms we couldn't perform clean up daily) to inform Makeup room situation. 6PM daily. Give a head up to guest who did not receive the make up room the clean up room offer time (before they start bargain)


1.2.1, Confirming with Transportation & reservation 90% arriving/departure/no pickup information are on system.


1.3.1, Apply overtime 4 hours per staff during TET

1.3.2, Proposal to get 4 trainees to support 2 bellboys

1.3.3, Set up 9 poles and red ropes for front desk to lineup the Queue counter

1.3.4, Increase the number of Computer at maximum 6 computers

1.3.5, Scheduling 6 staffs (out of 8) always available from 10 AM to 6PM daily during TET

2, No exhuasted waiting at lobby

2.1.1, FO assigns room 2 days in advance before guest arrival and collect the feedback from HK (during TET from 12th Feb to 17th Feb)

2.1.2, FO review

2.1.3, FOM/Duty Manager review the assignment everyday from 12th Feb till 17th Feb. no back to back, if we still have the availability on room type.

2.2.1, Setup the Welcome drink station near Front Desk as the standard welcome drink. from 12th Feb till 17th Feb. Invite waiting guest to Cview to pick up some selection welcome drinks

2.2.2, Inform Engineering to assist

2.2.3, Inform IT to assist

2.3.1, Confirming with Res/Sales team about the overpromising to TA/customer over LCO or FOC upgrading. this would allow hotel to offer ECI upon arrival easier, resonable

2.3.2, Minimize the LCO case by case no more than 5 rooms/per day. This must be approve by FOM

2.3.3, FO shift leader updates hourly from 10AM-3PM about departured rooms (during 12th Feb till 17th Feb)

2.3.4, Cordinate with Tourguide, making sure collect enough information for group arriving.

2.4.1, Temporary deactive Key system on Elevator

2.4.2, Proposal the automatic on AC system to Eng and HK team

2.4.3, Temporary Deactive the Wifi passwords

2.4.4, Re-arrange the lobby (especially the front desk/ bell desk)

2.5.1, Spend 1 front desk senior to check on guest queue, handle any easy case to clear the line

2.5.2, FOM proposal to get 1 tablet (Source 3.5.2) from IT from 8th Feb, to support the task

3, The Kings

3.1.1, Understand what is service during TET to offer guest: from 8th till 15th Feb. Daily briefing about the TET events/ FO business canvas.

GM Feedback

All Key Activieties in this section are a mix of other departments key activeties.

1. What are the key activeties of FO and How does FO interact with the guests.

2. Key Activeties not key partners in this section

3. Pick the top 3 Key Activeties that will make your value / Gift to guest Happen. The rest of the group activeties here becomes your departmental tasks.

Value Proposition

  1. What are your value propositions?
1, No need to bargain about the service

1.1, Room Make up are standard
(all room need to be made up daily, special case like DND need to inform guest)


1.2, Accurated Transportation


1.3, Quick responding service, quality serving at front desk . Perform well on the Delivery Channels(Temporary shutdown some considerable function to reduce less stress for guest and load at front desk which impact to the customer responding)

2, No exhuasted waiting at lobby

2.1, Room IP on time
(Release IP no later than 3pm)

2.2, Reasonable waiting section (no guest would spending time waiting at lobby more than 15 minutes)

2.3, Easy ECI
(satisfy at least 80% Early Arrival on 60% hotel Occ| and 20% Early arrival on 90% hotel Occ)

2.4, Clear unnecessary Queue line up

2.5, Receive the service even not yet turn to counter

3, The Kings

3.1, Understanding

3.2, Respectful

3.3, Express Gratitude

GM Feedback (3/5)

Based on a great Customer profile analysis, FO should provide the 3 equivalent Value/Gifts in reponse to 3 profiles. For examples:

1. Make Guests feel like KINGS (meaning none of them feel like less than a king - the whole FO team must get trained or standardized with this mindset - if not - find another less ambitious GIFT to that type of guest)

2. Let Guests Win (you are ambitious to satisfy all guest who like to bargain like you analysed in the guest profile - if not, write down the GIFT that is suitable for your guests & your team)

3. No Exhaustaed from waiting (your own Gift) with the whole list of how to define the gift

All Gifts provided sound great if still need to be more MEASURABLE, ATTAINABLE (in S.M.A.R.T)

For example, 90% of transfortation info being correct should be the FO Gift/Values - the Key Activities list out 3 most important things how to make it happen (normally in 3P - Problem/People/Procedures)

FINALLY - Workload at lobby leading to Exhausted waiting (please consider the logic between your OKR)

Customer Relationships

  1. Your customer relationships?
1, 91/100 score on TrustYou

Satisfy all Customer Segments to reach minimum 91/100 over all on Trust you

Customer Segments

  1. Customer Segments
1, Economic class

- Want bargain, if they feel they received less, or unstatisfied. Failure of bargaining disapointed them.

2, Family customer

- Family travelling, big group gathering
- Hate the queue, interupt the queue and occur others if lacking patience

3, Vietnamese customer

- TET traveller, smooth journey for new year- Typical Asian ,mindset customer is the King

GM Feedback (5/5)

Very good & detailed guest profile analysis - Keep in mind to reflect this analysis in other 8 building blocks in the Canvas

Key Resources

  1. What are your key resources?
1, No need to bargain

1.1.1, 6PM daily, spend 1 receptionist 30 minutes to call to guest room not yet make up.


1.2.1, ATM spending 1 hours per day to chase with Res team/FO to get 90% information for transportation


1.3.1, Overtime 4 hours per staff during TET

1.3.2, 4 trainees in total to support 2 bellboys

1.3.3, spending 15 minutes on 11th Feb to set up 9 poles and red ropes for front desk to lineup the Queue counter

1.3.4, IT officer would setup 2 more computer (spending at least 1 week to test and run) for front desk

1.3.5, FOM reScheduling 8 staff smartly (1 hour)

2, No overload at lobby

2.1.1, FOM & EHK spend time daily to review next day arrival before end shift (30 minutes)

2.1.2, FOM & EHK spend time daily to review the inventory/OOO/OOS (15 minutes)

2.1.3, Duty Manager get the review by FOM daily for room assignment (15 minutes)

2.2.1, Setup welcome drink station (30 minutes), fill up glasses hourly (10 minutes). Create quick, simple welcome drink menu and print it out. Spending 1 staff at Cview from 10 AM- 4 PM to serve waiting guest

2.2.2, Open C-view AC from 8 AM (consume electricity)


2.3.1, Sales cordinator/reservation officer spend at least 1 hour to review all booking during TET for any LCO/FOC upgrading promised

2.3.2, FOM spend 30 minutes daily to review LCO daily

2.3.3, FO shift leader spending 30 minutes daily to export the Housekeeping Managerment to HK to follow the Checked out room ( 5 minutes per hour, from 10AM-3PM

2.3.4, Spending 30 minutes in the morning to review with TG about the arriving time, any special last minute news
2.4.1, Engineering staff spend 1 hour to deactive Elevator keycard flooring system

2.4.2, Housekeeping team spend additional 1 minute/room to activate the AC

2.4.3, IT spend 15 minutes to Deactive Wifi passwords

2.4.4, F&B 3 patitions to spacing the luggage area


2.5.1, Spend 1 front desk senior

2.5.2, 1 tablet for [Activities 2.5.2]

1, No exhausted from waiting
GM Feedback

These are all Tasks listed. Pick the 3 most important Key resources for FO to make the Value / Gift Happen


  1. Channels
How to deliver to customer

Enough of serving staff


Enough of counter


Enough of Front Desk amenities

Cost Structure

  1. What about your cost structure?
GM Feedback

1. Cost of FO Staffing Plan

2. Cost of potential Service Recovery

3. Cost of breakdown in working with Key Partners

Revenue Streams

  1. What are your revenue streams?
GM Feedback

What items do FO drive in Additional Revenues?

Service Recovery Tool Kit to minimize loss of Revenue?

Provide Check in to right room at the right time to minimize dioscount due to poor service Delivery

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