Royalty rewards to address Barriers to effective uptake and provision of immunization laikipia West, Kilifi ,Kiambu and and Kiambiu Nairobi slums

Key Partners

  1. Who are your key partners?
    2. Who are your key suppliers?

Innovation , design and testing of the technology ( pendant , e-smart drum, networking and database management )
Trains the community on design thinking process.
Power house


Linkages to ECDE Centers and capacity development

Ministry of Health ( National and Kiambu county )

Immunization administration
follow ups on after effects ( management and advice )
Health service provision for the children


Awareness creation in churches

The Little Daughters of St Joseph Ngarau

Immunisation and hosting of royalty redemption center

Health Service providers

Clinics based in the community and international funders

Key Activities

  1. What are your key activities?
Design process

Design thinking process , R&D to improve the Royalty program.
Training caregivers in design and core aspects of the project.

Royalty program

Managing the royalty program process.
Recruiting vendors and commodities suppliers.


Sensitizing caregivers on need for full immunization of their children
Mobilization of community on reporting after effects of immunization.

Distribution of pendants

Distribution of pendant to the care givers
Training parents on how to swipe
managing Last Mile pendants distributors

Data collection

Follow up that Last Mile Champions swipe data on immunized children
Custodian of all data collected
Recruitment of LMC and training


Real time data collection through village village health monitors. Syncing using tablets for early interventions


A facebook page and a twitter account, Instagram and Whatsapp for updates and feedback on the Royalty project. Designing of an elaborate blog spot is ongoing and this should be up and running in a short while.

IEC development

Posters of Monthly immunization champions
Pamphlets in local dialects addressing concerns in regards to immunization
Sharing on social media videos , cartoons and information

Value Proposition

  1. What are your value propositions?
Royalty program

Royalty rewards to address Barriers to effective uptake and provision of immunization laikipia West, Kilifi ,Kiambu and ,Kiambiu Nairobi slums. An Incentives for caregivers to increase immunization and address immunization apathy due to after effects arising issues after immunization

Customer Relationships

  1. Your customer relationships?
Communication strategy

Tracking down of pendants sales, after sales services, finance flow, and feedback from caregivers end users

Branding: - Project will brand the Royalty project outlets

Better identification of the Pendant and e-smart drums ,
Better chance of product differentiation
Brand loyalty
Premium pricing
Retention of brand loyalty
Better bargaining power
Better control of distribution

Innovation – Adoption model- awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, adoption.

The project will create awareness and generates interests before the customer gets a chance to evaluate it first-hand. Trial pendants to caregivers households have already been given, as preparations get under way for the actual sales

Immunization champions

Communities competing to be displayed in a Poster on village street for their contribution in immunisation uptake

Customer Segments

  1. Customer Segments
ECDE and Health Centers

Targeting for recruitment of caregivers into the program,
Redemption point for royalty points
Mobilization and awareness creation

Age / lactating mothers

Teenage mothers. Girls aged 15-25 years made vulnerable
Mothers aged 25-45 living in target areas with an average income of USD 2-3 per day
Grandmothers made caregivers by absent daughters who gave birth at home or deceased.

Business development team

Sales and marketing
Business development and growth

Local social entrepreneur’s / Business persons/caregivers

Social entrepreneurs
Respected business people in the area who can distribute the pendants and host redemption center for the royalty points
Caregivers who shows intent of owning an e-smart drum

Health care providers

Health care providers
Immunization and after care services for any after effects of immunization


2 square kilometers from the Health centers
Lack of amenities and accessibility to health facilities
Security issues which makes outreach impossible

Government and CSO

Logistical support and provision of immunization services
Funding and expansion

University and college interns

To establish e-smart drums points , sales and marketing

Key Resources

  1. What are your key resources?

The royalty card


Database host
smart phones
card readers
QR and bar-code reader


Health service providers
IT consultants
Community health workers
Immunization champions


Capital costs
Running cost


  1. Channels
Social Media

Facebook , linkedin. Twitter , Instagram , blog , website ,


Vendors , distributors and caregivers who will act as agents


Selling directly to caregivers who visit the Health centers and ECDE and model center for redeeming royalty points or buying pendants

Government and CSO hubs

Sensitization and distribution through partner government institutions ( National and County ) and CSO serving the community.


Health facilities and caregivers network

Cost Structure

  1. What about your cost structure?
Capital cost

Technology , e-smart drums construction / hubs , licensing and content generation

Operations costs

Salaries for staff
Consumables ( internet )

Training and capacity development



Technology , e-smart drums construction / hubs , licensing and content generation

Networking events

Attending workshops and seminars , partners meetings and hosting networking events

Social media adds

Advertising in the social media


Collaboration in exchange of technology and skills

Revenue Streams

  1. What are your revenue streams?

Pendants and technology to other service providers
E-Smart drums

Franchise and licensing

Third users to use the technology in their projects


Businesses whom products will be distributed in the e-smart hubs

Training's and consultancy

Skills transfer to other institutions


Fees for sharing data to health service providers , CSOs and other interested parties for targeting and research on immunization uptake and sustainability.


Advertising space for manufacturers and service providers targeting community with children consumer goods.
Commission on products sold

Fees from internship and apprentice

Administrative and training Fees charged to interns/ apprentices who express interest in being attached in the project

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