Smart People Inc
Physical Evidences
Welcome Email with Application Form Edit  [x]

- Form
- Email with info about Summer Camp

Video conference Edit  [x]
Receipt of the payment Edit  [x]

- Receipt
- Confirmation email

Welcome Email and App Info Edit  [x]

- Username/email address
- Password
- Welcome
- For parents and users

Virtual tour in app Edit  [x]
App profile form and vocabulary test Edit  [x]
App calendar Edit  [x]
Video conference Edit  [x]
Video conference Edit  [x]
Consult calendar and start navigation Edit  [x]

- Navigate through app according to daily tasks

App vocabulary section Edit  [x]

- Videos
- Exercises
- Smart People available content

Collaboration hub online (chat) Edit  [x]

- Share tools
- Info

Platform section for selective lesson Edit  [x]
Project workflow (private chat with mentor) Edit  [x]
Collaboration hub online (chat) Edit  [x]

- Share tools
- Info

Test and track progress Edit  [x]

- Reports

User Actions
Apply for the Summer Camp Edit  [x]
Meeting with the counselor Edit  [x]

Motivations, oral assessment, expectations, how they learn, personality

Receive access to the app Edit  [x]

Email + password is given access by Smart People team.
Parents have access to another version of the app.

Open app and learn how to use it Edit  [x]

- Video
- Virtual tour
- Instructions

Create profile and input bio Edit  [x]

- Things they like
- Bio
- Basic info about him
- Social media
- Choose classes and activities
- Favorite countries
- Vocabulary assessment

Review weekly schedule Edit  [x]

Approve how days will be organized

Meet your class Edit  [x]

Meet online with your class through video conference

Meet personal project conselour Edit  [x]

Personal project

Start your first day Edit  [x]
First - Vocabulary work Edit  [x]

- Videos from Natasha
- Memes and gifs
- Memorizing activity
- Information pop-ups (contextualized info - when she wants to know more about a word)
- Around 10 words per day

Second - Learning Cabin Edit  [x]
Break Edit  [x]
Third - Selective lesson Edit  [x]
Forth - Personal Project Edit  [x]
Fifth - Teaching Cabin Edit  [x]
Break Edit  [x]
Review Vocabulary Edit  [x]
Summer Camp Online Application Edit  [x]
Video Conference Edit  [x]

- Video conference with parents and students with a counselor
- After the interview, customize the experience

Set students account Edit  [x]

- Customized schedule and profile

Review student's schedule Edit  [x]

- According to student's feedback
- Assign the student to their cabins
- Set workflow for students and mentors talk to each other

Video conference meeting Edit  [x]

- Into to mentor and colleagues

Video conference to meet project concelour Edit  [x]

- Talk about personal project and define it

Vocabulary review and report Edit  [x]

Reports are generated automatically and sent to parents

Content creator and web developers Edit  [x]

- Create the email
- Create the application form

Content creator Edit  [x]

Send confirmation email

Content creator Edit  [x]

Send email with personalized information.

Web developers, Designers and Content Creators Edit  [x]

- Create virtual tour and platform itself (instructions)

Web developers, Designers and Content Creators Edit  [x]

Create a form and build a vocabulary assessment (specialist).

Web developers and Designer Edit  [x]

- Create interactive calendar
- Platform sections

Web developers Edit  [x]

Create workflow and collaboration hub in app

Content creators Edit  [x]

- Smart People content
- Create content specific to the topics and interests
- Memes, gifs, videos

Content Creators Edit  [x]

- Create activities (specialist)
- Videos (specialist)

Content Creator Edit  [x]

Set selective lesson content (specialist)

Content Creators, Web Developers and Designers Edit  [x]

- Test and review content
- Algorithm to track progress
- Creation of score system

Support Processes
Payments Edit  [x]

Payment is confirmed by a third company

Purchase of branded material Edit  [x]

- Camp kit
- Publishing material

Brainstorming Space
Try out Canvanizer 2.0