9 Conversations

Key Partners

  1. Who are your key partners?
    2. Who are your key suppliers?
The Facilitator

The facilitator will guide you through some steps to help you build your own Canvas (like this one) that explains your business idea.

The Group Members

The other people in your group will help you make your Business Canvas clearer by asking you questions. You will also be helpful to them in the same way.

Key Activities

  1. What are your key activities?
Weekly meetings over 9 weeks

You will meet with your group and the facilitator to talk about and plan your next steps.
In between the group meetings you will add to your Business Canvas after meeting or phoning local people who can help you with your business idea.
It is also important that you make a note of what you have learned each week.

Value Proposition

  1. What are your value propositions?
Starting your own business

When you have finished the 9 Conversations programme you will be ready to talk in an informed way about starting your own business.

You will know more about the business environment where you now live.

You will have made useful contacts of people and organisations that can help you in the future.

You will have a clear idea of the next steps to take to make your idea happen.

Customer Relationships

  1. Your customer relationships?
Speak the local language

You will be meeting and contacting useful people and organisations in the local language in the local area.
You will be doing what you can so that they remember you and you are able to contact them again if you need to.

Customer Segments

  1. Customer Segments

The type of people or organisations that you will need to contact include
*potential suppliers
*potential customers
*business services such as banks and accountants
*information services such as the local library, municipality or business support clubs.
We will help you to find out who you need to contact and how and how to keep track of your contacts.

Key Resources

  1. What are your key resources?
Time and commitment

It is important that you make sure you come to every meeting.
It is important that you do what you have planned between each meeting.

Your experience

Your experience and existing knowledge will be very important to your own Canvas and probably also to some of your group colleagues.


  1. Channels

You will contact local people who could give you useful information to help you build your Business Model Canvas.
You will do this by arranging to:
*go and meet them
*email them
*phone them
*find useful information online
*or inviting them to come to a 9 Conversations meeting

Cost Structure

  1. What about your cost structure?

This programme will cost you some time.
It will use about 4 hours per week; two hours for the meeting and two hours to go out and meet useful contacts, make a note of what you learned and planning new meetings.

Revenue Streams

  1. What are your revenue streams?
What will you gain?

If you complete this programme you will gain the following:
*new contacts that could be useful if you decide to start your business
*experience of thinking about lots of different types of businesses with your group
*practice in presenting your business idea
*a better understanding of how business works in your local area
*a completed Business Model Canvas that you can present
*Badges that you can add to your Skills Profile

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