Create a new Product-Market-Fit Canvas

The Product Market Fit Canvas deals with creating the match between your product and the market. It consists of two categories of fields, the market column represented by the customer fields and the product fields on the right side.
It focuses on customer jobs, customer problems and needs as well as channels and user experience on the customer side.
The product side deals with competition in shape of alternatives, key features of the product matching the problems & needs as well as values for each channel & key metrics.
Use colour coding to create matching pairs of nodes on each side, e.g. match a customer need with a key feature. It belongs to the Lean Startup / Lean Stack Customer Development Approach by Steve Blank: 2. Step Customer Validation.


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Canvanizer Premium

Canvanize Premium
  • Over 40 popular canvas templates
  • AI canvas generation from your idea prompt
  • Private canvases / Revocable links
  • Customizable segments
  • Export: PDF, PNG & Markdown...
  • Images upload / choose fonts
  • Project workspaces
  • Team progress & collaboration
  • Languages: EN,ES,FR,IT,NL,PL...
  • View modes, filters, sidenotes...

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  • Personal Workspace
  • 50 free notes
per year
  • Personal Workspace
  • unlimited notes and private canvases
  • 1 Project Workspace
  • Invite up to 5 collaborators
  • Export: PDF,PNG, Markdown...
  • Selectable fonts
  • Image upload
Best Value
per year
  • All STARTUP plan features
  • AI will generate the full canvas
  • unlimited notes and private canvases
  • 3 Project Workspaces
  • Invite up to 50 collaborators
  • Customizable segments
  • Export: PDF,PNG, Markdown...
  • Selectable fonts
  • Image upload
  • Side notes

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