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Problem ? Insert
1.Shopping for new clothes is time-consuming and can feel tedious. 2.Shoppers want new styles of clothing, but buying new items constantly is expensive. 3.It's challenging to know the fashion trends happening in your local community and shoppers are uninspired. 4.Fast fashion is wasteful and people own clothes they never wear |
Solution ? Insert
BrowseTo find inspiration, users can explore closets of people in their communities or search for specific items LendTo help others find the perfect outfit and make some extra money on the side, users can lend clothes out to peers for a set price/day. This is also more sustainable. BorrowUsers can borrow clothes from friends/community members on a budget and save time and help the environment. |
Unique Value Proposition ? Insert
Unfair Advantage ? Insert
Find that missing pieceArmoir is a peer-to-peer clothes lending platform designed for college campus communities. College students can browse closets of their peers, borrow clothes at an affordable price, and make some money lending their clothes. College channels - don't have to deal with shipping/delays; instant exchange of clothes Lending/borrowing clothes is more environmentally sustainable than buying new clothes Very few to nonexistent products in market for peer-to-peer lending for non-designer clothes |
Customer Segments ? Insert
College StudentsCollege students living in close communities and interested in fashion. College campuses facilitate easy lending and a built-in network for clothing sharing Dorms, Frats, Sororities, Themed HousingExplore in the future:-students/workers who commute to campus |
Key Metrics ? Insert
Total usersTotal items of clothing uploadedTotal transactions (lending/borrowing)Sharing the app through social mediaAttendance at branded eventsCollege campus housingClose living quarters could encourage people to sign up with their friends. Providing some organized way of lending would alleviate difficulties in keeping track of shared items Facebook NetworksStudents can lend/share clothes with their networks of existing friends |
Channels ? Insert
College campus eventsclothes swap events and Armoir-branded marketing events Soft Launchesevents on other college campuses |
Cost Structure ? Insert
ShippingPotential shipping costs in future, but keeping it local/college-focused for now Cleaning and Damagesexpenses to ensure clothing returns in good condition MarketingPrice of ads etc. to reach customers Data maintenanceif many users, will need to maintain data on the cloud |
Revenue Stream ? Insert
10% fee of customer exchangesMonthly subscription fee for premium features-access to certain clothing Partnerships with brandsAdvertisementsExample: user borrowed a shirt, gets ad to buy it Selling data of college student fashion trends to brands |
Brainstorming Space ? Insert Brainstorm Mode