- Imagine, you are working on your Canvas. Putting all your ideas in it with lots of effort and over a longer period of time. All the sudden you come to the conclusion that two hours ago it was way better. Now what, you’ve changed things around, added new ones, erased some of the ideas and you don’t know how exactly your Canvas looked like two hours ago. Well, no problem.
- Go to our “Canvas History” and a separate bar with a timeline will appear. With this tool you can go back to the very beginning of your Canvas and reflect your work. Go back in work steps and create a second Canvas out of a recent step with “Copy Canvas from this version” so you can produce different options out of the same Canvas without deleting the first version or creating a complete new Canvas.
- You can also go back in time and hit the play button to watch your notes filling your Canvas. This is a nice way to quick show the evolution to your workmates or illustrate it to yourself.
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