You are testing a PUBLIC demo canvas. If you want to use it for "real" private data, please create your own private canvas here.
You can also copy this canvas, click here.

Try out Canvanizer 2.0 now!

Share Canvas Version Links

Share this canvas version with your team via IM message (eg Skype, Yahoo or gTalk)


Edit Canvas Settings

Canvas Title: *
Your Name
Your Email:
Access: Edit link / Readonly link
(Access limits possible in Canvanizer 2.0)



Share Canvas

Use these tools to spread the canvas either publicly embed on your blog or privately with editable permission to your team

Deactivating links (editable/readonly) to limit access to team members is possible in Canvanizer 2.0 workspaces!


Canvas Embed Widget

Display Type - a compact version will be better for embedding

Permission - How you want your audience to interact with the canvas.

Copy and paste this on your website - in source mode


Share Canvas By Email

Share this canvas to as many team as you want to brainstorm better concept together.

Share Slideshow Links

Share this canvas as slideshow with your team via IM message (eg Skype, Yahoo or gTalk)

Share Canvas On Twitter

You can edit the tweet before sending to your team.

Share this Canvas (read-only) on Twitter :

Share this Canvas (editable) on Twitter:


Share Slideshow On Twitter

You can edit the tweet before sending to your team.

Share this Canvas Slideshow on Twitter :


How to edit your canvas

  • To add a note please click 'Insert' in any canvas segment or double click in any segment.
  • Color: Use the color picker to show note connections.
  • For earlier versions of your canvas: click Canvas History (right side).
  • Share: To share the canvas with your team click Share Canvas (right side).
  • Export: See Import/Export in the footer (PDF & image export available in the 2.0
  • Check your email inbox for a mail called "Canvas links" for all further access info!
  • Security: Restriction of access to this canvas to invited members only is possible with Canvanizer 2.0
  • There is also a FAQ: Canvanizer FAQ
  • Enjoy canvanizing :-)
Add new columns at the end
Physical Evidences
Instagram, website Edit  [x]
Receção, Balcão Edit  [x]
Balneário Edit  [x]
Sala Edit  [x]
Balneário Edit  [x]
Receção Edit  [x]
Receção Edit  [x]
User Actions
Regista-se na aplicação e marca uma aula Edit  [x]
Chega ao estabelecimento, dirige-se ao balcão Edit  [x]
Receber o equipamento e orientações para a respetiva aula Edit  [x]
Ida para o balneário e euipar-se Edit  [x]
Ir para sala Edit  [x]
Devolver o euipamneto e desiquipar-se Edit  [x]
Comprar um smoothie Edit  [x]
Ir embora Edit  [x]

Insert New Note



Pick a color


Edit Note



Pick a color

Try out Canvanizer 2.0