We are making working with many canvases even easier: Welcome keyboard navigation between canvases!

1. Press / to search
2. Enter the search term
3. Use cursor keys to select any canvas
4. Press Enter to open it

Your latest canvases will appear first, so switching back and forth has never been easier. So why don’t you give your Business Model Canvas lots of iterations and companions today? :D

New update in the 2.0: We brought the painters in…a nice procedurally generated background so the app views are subtly different from the canvas view. https://next.canvanizer.com/workspace/default

One example of our continuous small steps fine-tuning: Your search results are now nicely grouped into workspaces and canvases. Have a nice weekend!

We have just released help screens inside canvanizer that show you advanced hints and hidden keyboard shortcuts within :-)

Say hi to the new “Progress Peek View”. All recently updated canvases across all your workspaces are now just one click away. Happy iterating together with your team at https://next.canvanizer.com

About to plan 2017 ? Read more

This one is major..we’ve released quite an update on collaboration and workspaces in the 2.0: your team now shows up and you see who’s joined in! Unicorns and Robots for the win ;-) https://next.canvanizer.com

We have just upgraded the history view amongst other finetunings in the 2.0: You can now link to individual revisions, great for discussing and comparing different states of your project: Try it here:

e.g. an early version


against the final state


Also you can create a copy from any point in time to go in a different direction.

Have fun canvanizing :)

We have just released a great new template for Product Creators: Romans’ Product Canvas by Roman Pichler on Canvanizer 2.0. https://next.canvanizer.com/canvas/wfS7HJm5OoHM5 Read more

Just released: A new canvas template in 2.0: The User Centered Design Canvas by Alina Prelicz-Zawadzka & Leszek Zawadzki of https://therectangles.com

Check it out here: https://next.canvanizer.com/canvas/wJs7HpjcmiUOn