Another new canvas template for Social Enterprises: The Social Lean Canvas. Based on
the Lean Canvas it adds Purpose and Impact which are important for Social Ventures.
We have improved the permission system in the 2.0 in regards of the access to each canvas through the share links. Remember, each canvas has two share links, one link that allows editing and another that allows read-only access only.
If you are currently not using the share links any more you can now simply switch them off individually in the canvas settings:
To do this: Please login into the 2.0 at, go to the canvas in the workspace view and then simply toggle your canvas share links off – meaning only invited team members in the workspace can still access the canvas.
This way you can also now revoke access through previously shared links with temporary team members, as toggling will generate a new share link each time. This system works totally independent from the workspace memberships. So invite your permanent team into the workspaces and they have immediate access to all the canvases you create within and share links with temporary collaborators e.g. for feedback.
Hope you like the added privacy layer in the 2.0 :)
We have released a new canvas template: The core of lernOS is based on principles from
Personal Knowledge Management, Getting Things Done, Objective Key Results, Working Out
Loud, and Scrum. If you practice one of these methods separately you can use the lernOS
Canvas for visual documentation, storytelling, and to expand your approach over time.
A big thank you to Özgün Özalay of the brain research group SoCAT at Edge University
Izmir, Turkey due to whom we could now add turkish translations for the Business Model
Canvas and the Lean Canvas for our turkish users. If you would like us to add your
language to a template you use, please get in touch with us:)
We have just released a major design update to the look & feel of all the
notifications, alerts, success messages and input hints etc. They look much cleaner
with a consistent design language. Hope you like them:)
During the last couple of days we released several updates with finetuning: e.g. a big
performance update for the workspaces, they should feel much snappier now. The same
applies to the history view, this is also snappier when you skip between past and
current revisions. We reduced the size of the topbar to make more room for your canvas.
Last but not least, we squashed some bugs in the clipboard and some small ux issues.
The Business Model Canvas and the Lean Canvas are now available in Spanish, French,
Italian, Dutch and Polish.
You can now switch each canvas accessibility to workspace members only: Just switch off
all editable / readonly links for the canvas in the share settings. As toggling will
generate a new link each time you can now also revoke access to canvases that you
previously shared by its links.
Now highlighting the differences between each iteration for a clearer understanding of
what changed! Check it out in the left sidebar
Which canvas templates are we missing? Please get in touch with us :)